Oatmeal lace cookies–nutritious, delicious, and ridiculously easy

Well, the title of my blog promises “the occasional recipe,” so here’s the first. One of my ground rules for the recipes is the effort-effect ratio: it’s got to be easy and yet taste better than the ease of preparation would seem to promise. This one is a real winner. It is one of the simplest cookies I know how to make, but it looks kind of impressive. And, since it’s made with oatmeal, I figure it’s got some food value going for it.

The recipe came to me from Anne Ritter, a friend of my Aunt Alice, who would have been 100 today!  Anne was beautiful, lived in an art-filled apartment on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia with a husband who adored her, and was one of the most effortlessly glamourous people I ever knew. She was a nurse with the Red Cross during World War II–one of that “greatest generation.” Maybe because she had no children she pampered me outrageously, including sending me wonderful cookies when I was away at summer camp. These were among the best.

Oatmeal lace cookies

1 cup quick oats
2 tbsp. + 1 tsp. flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1 egg, beaten
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 lb. (1/2 cup) melted margarine
2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350. Line cookie sheets with foil or parchment. Do not grease. Mix dry ingredients well. Pour melted margarine over dry ingredients and add beaten egg and vanilla. Mix with spoon until well blended. Drop by 1/2 teaspoonsful far apart on cookie sheets and bake about 7 minutes, until golden brown. Allow to cool completely before removing from sheet. That’s it. If you’re ambitious you can glue two cookies together with a little melted chocolate.


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