The Occasional recipe…lemonade syrup

Here in Boston it’s felt like summer for more than a week now, so I think it’s safe to offer one of my favorite summer recipes–lemonade syrup. Here’s what you do: make up a batch of this and keep it in the refrigerator. When you want lemonade, just add a couple of tablespoonsful to a glass of ice water and–voila–actual lemonade.

The base of this recipe is just a simple syrup, aka sugar water. There was a time when I traveled often to southeast Asia, where a cold drink is always welcome and simple syrup is a ubiquitous sweetener. Either on its own or as lemonade, it’s a good addition to iced tea. I like to add lots of mint, which is rampant in the herb garden about now.

And, while we’re in the garden, try just some cold water with a slice of cucumber and sprigs of parsley and mint as a summer refresher. Mmmm. Reminds me of being in steamy Bangkok, sitting on the verandah of the Oriental Hotel beside the Chao Praya River, with a cool drink and a sweet juicy slice of ripe papaya with lime.

However you are cooling off this summer, I hope you are enjoying it!

Lemonade Syrup

Combine and boil for 5 minutes:
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
rind of 2 lemons cut in strips
Cool and add the juice of 6 lemons. Strain. Refrigerate. To make lemonade, add 2 tablespoons syrup (or to taste) to a glass of cold water.